Wednesday, March 29, 2017


Good evening ladies and gentlemen,

So far this week has been a very tough one and I pray it gets easier as I ease into the weekend. I have been suffering from allergies and sleep deprivation. All of the pollen in the air coming off these South Carolina pine trees has my head spinning from so much nasal congestion. Also, it probably does not help that I spend my entire day caddying on a golf course surrounded by hundreds of pine trees. Anyways, the whole sleep thing is entirely my fault (Lol). My sleep schedule is bi-polar and changes everyday, but to be fair my work schedule changes daily so it has been difficult to adjust a proper time to go to bed. Most recently, I have been staying up late because I am a night owl and then waking up before sunrise and this has made me a very tired human as of late. I think what has messed up my biological clock the most is probably when I come home from work and proceed to take a three to four hour nap into the evening. Right now I am more wide awake than I probably should be and I should try to avoid doing that all together and just go to bed at an earlier hour, but what can I say I'm a young and stupid college kid at heart. That being said, my goal for this coming weekend is to not stay out with my buddies too late and get to sleep at a decent hour so I can be well rested and avoid getting sick from lack of energy. In the meantime, in order to get my school work done, I will continue to look like a zombie from The Walking Dead and stay caffeinated on coffee and other sugary substances until I can make time for relaxation in my busy schedule. Cheers!

Your Nocturnal Friend,


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