Thursday, April 13, 2017


Ladies & Gentlemen,

Good afternoon folks, I am currently writing this blog post from the caddyshack on Kiawah Island because I still don't have Wi-Fi connection at my apartment complex. This problem has been very inconvenient for me as of late because I have had to use my iPhone to answer my classmates questions and responses. This week the weather is extremely hot and sticky on the course, the wind is virtually non-existent, which is a recipe for the death of a caddy. Although the remainder of this week will be a drag, I'm looking forward to this weekend's festivities because my sister and her friends are coming to visit. This will be Matti's first time visiting the Charleston area, so I have to give her the full tour and show her around the town. I plan on taking her to some of the most popular bars and night clubs that me and all the other caddies go to cut loose. I also will be taking her and her friends to all of the nearby beaches like Island of Palms, Sullivan's Island and Folly Beach. The most important thing I must keep in mind this weekend is to be safe and use caution when it comes to drinking alcohol and drinking. There will be enough of us this weekend to make sure that one of us is a designated driver who will be responsible each evening. That being said, there will not be a dull moment this weekend, especially because all of these guests will be sleeping in my one bedroom apartment so it should be interesting to see how all of us squeeze. I have a feeling that my electric bill will be quite a bit higher after this weekend, but the memories will be priceless if you know what I mean.



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